Your car is a huge investment, and making sure it’s in top shape is important. Inwood Arch Automotive specializes in the care of your automobile, helping to maximize its performance. Regular car maintenance is crucial for making sure your vehicle is working properly. It is our goal to provide the best service and care, ensuring high-quality work and auto parts.
In the past 20+ years, we’ve provided excellent service to our valued customers. We pride ourselves in going the extra mile for you. Our mechanics are trained and experienced in their field of expertise, and you can be sure your car is in good hands.
Inwood Arch Automotive is located in the heart of Inwood, below Seaman Drake Arch also known as Inwood Arch.
The Arch is the last remnant of the Seaman Mansion, a magnificent 19th century hilltop home built by the Seaman family, when Inwood was dotted by country estates. The Arch marked the entrance to the mansion, which was later sold to a family named Drake.
In 1905, the property, including the arch, was sold to a building contractor named Thomas Dwyer. Dwyer is most famous for building the Soldier’s and Sailor’s Monument as well as part of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Dywer continued to occupy the main house, but used the arch as his workshop and place of business.
By 1912, with subway extensions, civilization slowly crept up to Inwood. Before long, small brick buildings began to surround the arch. Soon, a series of car dealerships moved in and began using the arch as an entranceway. Some Inwood residents still remember the first Ford dealership located in what is now Inwood Arch Automotive.
Inwood Arch Automotive is proud of its location's history and appreciates its great value to the community and the City of New York.
A few years ago, when we first opened Inwood Arch Automotive we cleaned and restored the inside of the Arch’s right pillar. We are currently working with officials on cleaning the outside of the Arch.
We are aware of the Arch role in New York City’s history and welcome visitors to this landmark.